Understanding the Economic Impact of Sexual Violence in New Zealand

Sexual violence is a pervasive issue in New Zealand, inflicting profound personal trauma andimposing substantial economic burdens on individuals, the government, and society at large. Acomprehensive study commissioned by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) andconducted by Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) in June 2021 provides an in-depthanalysis of these economic costs. Total Economic CostThe…


AI Technology Revolutionising Violence Prevention with Real-Time Gun Detection Systems

In a world grappling with increasing violence in public spaces, technology is stepping up to offerproactive solutions. ZeroEyes, a U.S.-based company founded in 2018, has developed aninnovative artificial intelligence (AI) system that integrates with existing surveillance cameras todetect firearms in real-time. Designed to prevent shootings and other violent incidents, thiscutting-edge technology is gaining traction across…


H@H Launches Nationwide SROI Research with ImpactLab

ImpactLab specializes in quantifying social value, offering data-driven insights that empowerorganizations to maximize their positive impact. Their methodology combines robust analyticswith the best available evidence to estimate social value in dollar terms—a metric that ismeasurable, consistent, and comparable. By partnering with ImpactLab, Help@Hand aims to gaina deeper understanding of the effectiveness of its programs and…


Sir Ray Avery GNZM: The Visionary Behind Help@Hand

Sir Raymond John Avery GNZM is a distinguished New Zealand pharmaceutical scientist, inventor,author, and social entrepreneur whose life journey exemplifies resilience and innovation. Born in1947 in Kent, England, Sir Ray’s early years were marked by significant challenges. Raised inorphanages and foster homes, he found solace and inspiration in science, beginning at age 14when he discovered…
