Strengthening Collaborative Partnerships to Prevent Sexual and Domestic Violence

Addressing sexual and domestic violence requires a multifaceted approach that leverages thestrengths of various sectors within society. Effective prevention and intervention hinge on robustcollaborations among government agencies, law enforcement, non-governmental organisations(NGOs), corporations, and community services. This collective strategy ensures a comprehensiveresponse to these pervasive global issues. Government Initiatives and Policy FrameworksGovernments play a pivotal role…


Understanding the Economic Impact of Sexual Violence in New Zealand

Sexual violence is a pervasive issue in New Zealand, inflicting profound personal trauma andimposing substantial economic burdens on individuals, the government, and society at large. Acomprehensive study commissioned by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) andconducted by Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) in June 2021 provides an in-depthanalysis of these economic costs. Total Economic CostThe…
