Endorsements of the H@H Violence Prevention Watch

The H@H smartwatch and duress alarm are designed to be a discreet piece of technology. If the wearer feels they’re in danger at any time, they can engage the duress alarm with a simple activation. This immediately opens live audio recording and provides our accredited monitoring centre with GPS location to pinpoint exactly where where…


Help@Hand Values

Help@Hand is a convergence of technology, research and advocacy for domestic violenceservice providers. These are the values that drive our organisation and staff. Our values are: Collaborative Approach: By building partnerships with public, private, and nonprofit sectors,we maximize resources, share knowledge, and work together toward a future free fromdomestic violence. Empowerment Through Technology: Harnessing the…


H@H Launches Nationwide SROI Research with ImpactLab

ImpactLab specializes in quantifying social value, offering data-driven insights that empowerorganizations to maximize their positive impact. Their methodology combines robust analyticswith the best available evidence to estimate social value in dollar terms—a metric that ismeasurable, consistent, and comparable. By partnering with ImpactLab, Help@Hand aims to gaina deeper understanding of the effectiveness of its programs and…
