Advancing UNSDG 5.2 – to eliminate violence against women. 

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5.2 aims to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls in public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual exploitation. Achieving this target requires an integrated approach involving policy reforms, community engagement, and technological innovations. Below, we explore international strategies and technologies contributing to these efforts.…


Endorsements of the H@H Violence Prevention Watch

The H@H smartwatch and duress alarm are designed to be a discreet piece of technology. If the wearer feels they’re in danger at any time, they can engage the duress alarm with a simple activation. This immediately opens live audio recording and provides our accredited monitoring centre with GPS location to pinpoint exactly where where…


Help@Hand Values

Help@Hand is a convergence of technology, research and advocacy for domestic violenceservice providers. These are the values that drive our organisation and staff. Our values are: Collaborative Approach: By building partnerships with public, private, and nonprofit sectors,we maximize resources, share knowledge, and work together toward a future free fromdomestic violence. Empowerment Through Technology: Harnessing the…


Cut Through the Silence

Media and advocacy campaigns play a vital role in shifting public attitudes and behaviours towarddomestic and sexual violence. High-impact campaigns, such as “Cut” by Women’s Aid in the UK,have successfully used mainstream media to provoke critical conversations, challenge societalnorms, and promote intervention. The Impact of Media CampaignsThe “Cut” campaign by Women’s Aid is an exemplar…


The Role of ImpactLab and SROI in New Zealand and Beyond

Understanding the tangible benefits of social programs is essential for organizations aiming tomaximize their positive impact. Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a framework that quantifiesthe social value generated by these programs relative to the investments made. In New Zealand,ImpactLab is a leader in applying SROI methodologies, enabling organizations to assess andenhance their social impact…


Art Therapy: A Pathway to Healing for Sexual Violence Survivors

Art therapy has emerged as a powerful tool in the mental health and trauma recovery of sexualviolence survivors. By facilitating non-verbal expression, it enables individuals to process complexemotions and experiences that may be challenging to articulate through traditional talk therapy.This therapeutic approach fosters self-exploration, emotional release, and the development ofcoping mechanisms, contributing significantly to the…


Strengthening Collaborative Partnerships to Prevent Sexual and Domestic Violence

Addressing sexual and domestic violence requires a multifaceted approach that leverages thestrengths of various sectors within society. Effective prevention and intervention hinge on robustcollaborations among government agencies, law enforcement, non-governmental organisations(NGOs), corporations, and community services. This collective strategy ensures a comprehensiveresponse to these pervasive global issues. Government Initiatives and Policy FrameworksGovernments play a pivotal role…


Upcoming Professional Development Opportunity with Dr. Gabor Maté a World Renowned Trauma Expert.

Professionals in the sexual and domestic violence sector have a unique opportunity to enhancetheir understanding of trauma and healing by attending Dr. Gabor Maté’s upcoming presentationin Auckland. Dr. Maté, a renowned physician and author, will deliver a lecture titled “Trauma,Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture” on February 8, 2025, at the Victory Convention Centre.…


Integrating Kaitiakitanga in Bicultural Social Work and Its Global Applications

In Aotearoa New Zealand, supporting survivors of domestic and sexual violence includesculturally resonant approaches that honour Māori values. Kaitiakitanga, embodying guardianshipand stewardship, provides a powerful framework for bicultural social work. By integrating thisconcept into support systems, practitioners foster cultural safety and empowerment for Māorisurvivors. This model has shown measurable success in New Zealand and offers…


Melbourne’s Legislative Changes to Facial Recognition Technology and Its Impact on Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors

In Melbourne, recent legislative updates have paved the way for the regulated use of facialrecognition technology (FRT) in public safety applications, marking a significant step forward inaddressing domestic and sexual violence. The updated laws, enacted in 2024, establish strictguidelines for deploying FRT while prioritizing the rights and safety of vulnerable populations. The Legislative ShiftThe Victorian…
