Keeping you safe online when you're offline
Technology facilitated abuse (TFA), or ‘cyber abuse’ uses technology to coerce, stalk or harass someone.
Examples of TFA are:
- Abusive messages including e-mails and social media
- Abusive calls such as threats or controlling.
- Sharing intimate photos of someone without their consent
- Making someone prove where they are by sending photos of their location.
- Checking someone’s text messages, social media activity or internet activity
- Account takeovers, where someone accesses your online accounts and locks you out of them
- Fake social media accounts, when fake accounts are being used to harass you or post negative comments about you online
Specializing in disrupting technology abuse, Help@Hand partner Protective Group, has been at the forefront of on-site technology audits in Australia. They have now expanded the on-site services to include a remote review of cyber abuse. The first of its kind in Australia, using specially trained IT staff they conduct and assist with disrupting cyber abuse through an investigative lens. This service is now available in New Zealand, fully funded by Help@Hand for those who qualify.
How it works
We will remotely access the clients devices once permission is granted and safe to do so. Devices we can assess include Computers/Laptops, iPad and Tablets, and mobile phone devices. Once we have access to the client’s device we will conduct a thorough check of all hard drives, check and remove any spyware and malicious programs, conduct an audit of their social media settings and then change all of their passwords etc. Our service continues after the audit of the devices and hardware by providing access to an exclusively tailored online beginners course designed to educate users on how to stay safe online, warning signs if their computer is being accessed externally and how to ensure they are using the strongest passwords for their online accounts.

Who can use the service?
The Cyber Safety Review is initially available to women in the Auckland area – with our without children – who are at risk of Technology Facilitated Abuse. In the cases where a woman is not engaged with a support organisation, Help@Hand will undertake a risk assessment to ascertain if this service will be of benefit to them or not.
The service will be offered across New Zealand in the coming months.
Who can refer the service?
Apply now
We are now taking enquiries and referrals for this service which is fully funded by Help@Hand. If you believe this solution would benefit you or someone you know then please apply now and one of our team will get in touch with you.
If you are in danger now then please call 111, or you can call the Refuge crisis line on 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843. If you are from a domestic violence support group and are interested in learning more about how you could offer this solution, then please fill out this form below and someone from our team will get in touch.
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